Rothley Church of England Academy
At Rothley, in KS2, we follow the excellent curriculum designed by Dr Rachel Hawkes and teach our children French to generate a fascination for words and how language works, a wider curiosity about the peoples and cultures of French speaking countries and the foundational knowledge to support confident communication in French.
The course provides children with an enjoyable and clear introduction to how language learning works, which will enable them to succeed in whichever language they study at KS3.
Essential Knowledge
We teach three core strands of essential knowledge:
1. Phonics – the key components of the sound-writing relationship
2. Vocabulary – a set of the most frequently used words
3. Grammar – the essential building blocks required to create simple sentences independently (including gender of nouns, singular and plural forms, adjectives (place and agreement), and the conjugation of key verbs)
Our French curriculum is designed to enable our children to:
· Develop linguistic and communicative competence
· Extend their knowledge of how language works
· Explore similarities and differences between French any heritage languages our children have, and English
The teaching of a foreign language to every child in KS2 is a statutory requirement, as set out in the National Curriculum Programmes of Study (2014).
In line with the NC PoS, our children learn to:
· Listen and show understanding by joining in and responding
· Link the sound, spelling and meaning of words
· Read aloud with accurate pronunciation
· Read and show understanding of phrases and simple texts
· Speak in sentences
· Describe people, places, things in speech and writing
· Ask and answer questions
· Express opinions
· Write phrases from memory
· Adapt phrases to create new sentences
· Use a dictionary
Our children also learn key cultural and country-specific knowledge. For example, by the end of KS2, our children:
· can name and locate on a map, countries where French is spoken
· know the key geographical features of France; including continent, surrounding seas and oceans, main mountains and rivers, capital city
· know at least one typical food from France
· know the name and some detail about at least one festival or tradition from France
Years 3 and 4 have 30 minutes and Years 5 and 6 have 60 minutes per week of language teaching with a specialist teacher.
Progression through the units is deliberately slow, to enable the children to enjoy activities in addition to the scheme of work. Activities include extra retrieval practice games, songs, watching video clips, listening to stories and a termly after-school French café. These activities really embed the pupils’ learning and enhance enjoyment.
Pupils leave Rothley at the end of Year 6, prepared to learn any language at KS3 and beyond. The curriculum is aspirational but a well-paced, well-supported, fun approach enables our pupils to succeed whatever their needs.