Rothley Church of England Primary Academy constitutes a school community firmly grounded in Christian principles. The core principle of our institutional vision is the unwavering commitment to "excellence in all endeavours", derived from the biblical passage found in John 15:5, wherein Jesus declares, "I am the vine; you are the branches." Guided by this foundational belief, our school aspires to be a sanctuary where, under the influence of a robust Christian ethos woven into every facet of academic life, all individuals, both young and old, will flourish in mind, body, and spirit. Integral to our mission statement is the resolute pursuit of academic excellence, enriched through the cultivation of aspiration and hope inherent in our Christian values. Our school aims to live out this Christian vision and work in partnership with all the stakeholders in the school community.
Either members of the school staff, the Head teacher, or individuals from the local ministry team assume leadership roles in orchestrating Collective Acts of Worship alongside the students. Additionally, invited representatives from charitable organisations contribute their expertise to the school, when appropriate, enhancing these spiritual gatherings.
Daily Acts of Worship, lasting approximately 20-30 minutes, are conducted in either school hall (Burton and Acworth buildings). The worship sessions may adopt either a formal or informal style.
Collective Worship themes are aligned with the Christian values inherent to the school, as well as other fundamental Christian principles. Furthermore, there is a deliberate emphasis on comprehending British values and their correlation with Christian belief. The overarching objective is to offer diverse worship experiences tailored for the children.
The present schedule is structured as follows. Click on the day below to read a brief outline of the Collective Worship the children at Rothley participate in on that day (please note that the timetable for KS1 and KS2 differs slightly, but both Key Stages complete all acts of worship throughout the week):
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Exploring the Bible and Christian Calendar | Reflect and Respond |
Singing Assembly |
Rothley Church of England Primary Academy constitutes a school community firmly grounded in Christian principles. The core principle of our institutional vision is the unwavering commitment to "excellence in all endeavours", derived from the biblical passage found in John 15:5, wherein Jesus declares, "I am the vine; you are the branches." Guided by this foundational belief, our school aspires to be a sanctuary where, under the influence of a robust Christian ethos woven into every facet of academic life, all individuals, both young and old, will flourish in mind, body, and spirit. Integral to our mission statement is the resolute pursuit of academic excellence, enriched through the cultivation of aspiration and hope inherent in our Christian values. Our school aims to live out this Christian vision and work in partnership with all the stakeholders in the school community.
Either members of the school staff, the Head teacher, or individuals from the local ministry team assume leadership roles in orchestrating Collective Acts of Worship alongside the students. Additionally, invited representatives from charitable organisations contribute their expertise to the school, when appropriate, enhancing these spiritual gatherings.
Daily Acts of Worship, lasting approximately 20-30 minutes, are conducted in either school hall (Burton and Acworth buildings). The worship sessions may adopt either a formal or informal style.
Collective Worship themes are aligned with the Christian values inherent to the school, as well as other fundamental Christian principles. Furthermore, there is a deliberate emphasis on comprehending British values and their correlation with Christian belief. The overarching objective is to offer diverse worship experiences tailored for the children.
The present schedule is structured as follows. Click on the day below to read a brief outline of the Collective Worship the children at Rothley participate in on that day (please note that the timetable for KS1 and KS2 differs slightly, but both Key Stages complete all acts of worship throughout the week):
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Exploring the Bible and Christian Calendar | Reflect and Respond |
Singing Assembly |