The Newsletter

Summer 1 2019

 I would like to start by thanking you all for taking the time to complete the third edition of the Rothley Parents' Liaison Forum in February - which had a focus on the newsletter and communication with parents. We had over 130 responses.

The highlights from this survey were as follows:

70% of the responses liked the new e-newsletter, 15% liked the old pdf and 15% did not have a preference

With this feedback we have received we will continue to use the new format of newsletter as the majority of feedback was that it was a lot easier to read than the older format on mobile devices.

The main positive feedback was that you all enjoyed looking at photos of current events that the children were doing in their classes and around school.

72% of parents would prefer a newsletter monthly, 23% fortnightly and 5% once a half-term

The newsletter will be sent out on a monthly basis as this is what the majority of the newsletter readers would like.

85% of responses were happy to keep the aim of the new newsletter: to let parents know all the positive events and things that have been happening in school throughout that period of time.

This was fantastic to hear as the main purpose of this newsletter was to give you an insight into the month’s happenings at school. All both information and notices regarding any other matters will be sent out via the parent mail system

The 15% that were not completely happy suggested including some diary dates and term dates.

With all the feedback on we could improve the newsletter a lot was to do with term-dates and diary dates. So from now on there will be the term dates for current academic year and the following academic year attached onto the newsletter. Also, the key diary dates will be attached to the e-mail too.

Every edition from now on will also have a section which the children themselves have written. This was feedback to us in this last month’s forum by a number of parents and carers.

Thank again for your responses, your feedback is important to us as a school.
