Spring 2019
I would like to start by thanking you all for taking the time to complete the second edition of the Rothley Parents' Liaison Forum in February - which had a focus on Reading. We had over 130 responses.
The highlights from this survey were as follows:
Over 91% of children read for pleasure at home and it was fantastic to hear that over 85% of parents read to their child at least 2-3 times a week. With 43% reading everyday with their children.
Over 65% of children read for over 10 minutes at night, with over 25% reading for over 20 minutes a night.
Teachers will again stress how important it is to read at home with the children on a regular basis, but as you can see from the statistics, both the children and you as parents do a lot of reading at home - so thank you. We will be starting a new reading initiative in the next academic year (2019-20) called “Rothley Reads”, which will aim to try and increase the amount of children reading at home for pleasure, whether that be reading to an adult, reading independently or an adult reading to them. This will also include a reading commitment from every teacher in school.
Rothley Review:
Over 85% of parents have heard of the Rothley Review (which is a web page produced by Mr Mclugash that recommends books for each year group) and 60% of parents have read this too.
However only 15% of parents have borrowed a book from the foyer; 10% bought a book that has been recommended on the review and 10% borrowed a Rothley Review book from the community library.
With this feedback from you as parents regarding the Rothley Review, we are going to ensure that the Rothley Review is shared with you not only by email, but also through Seesaw and the monthly newsletter.
We are going to ensure that there are more copies of the recommended read books available in the foyer for you to borrow. We are going to communicate with the Rothley Library and ensure that they have a display and copies of the current Rothley review books in stock. If your child has read a Rothley Review book and it is still at home, these can be returned to their class teacher, who will place it back in the foyer.
The Rothley Review will continue to be shared with the children in school too. We will be looking at ways to potentially make this more child-friendly.
How is the school doing in promoting reading for pleasure?
This feedback was extremely useful for us. We are always looking for ways to push and promote reading. The vast majority of the feedback was very positive:
"Since moving Rothley School, my child has been exposed to a far greater choice of books/authors"
"Reading has a much higher profile than it used to"
"Our children loved the roving bookshop"
"She really enjoyed the time when a different teacher came in and read to her"
We are going to use some of the feedback to enhance and refine our promotion of reading throughout the school. Teachers will send out a shortlist of 5 books every half term that children have enjoyed reading in their class. This will begin after the Easter holiday. The children enjoyed the reading session that they had with another teacher in December - this will now be done every term. This will be on the 9th April.
Also, look out for our extreme reading display, which will be on one of the display boards in school in the summer term! You will receive information about this closer to the time.
Thank you again for everyone that took the time to respond to the Rothley Parent's Liaison Forum in February - we value the feedback we receive
Spring 2019
I would like to start by thanking you all for taking the time to complete the second edition of the Rothley Parents' Liaison Forum in February - which had a focus on Reading. We had over 130 responses.
The highlights from this survey were as follows:
Over 91% of children read for pleasure at home and it was fantastic to hear that over 85% of parents read to their child at least 2-3 times a week. With 43% reading everyday with their children.
Over 65% of children read for over 10 minutes at night, with over 25% reading for over 20 minutes a night.
Teachers will again stress how important it is to read at home with the children on a regular basis, but as you can see from the statistics, both the children and you as parents do a lot of reading at home - so thank you. We will be starting a new reading initiative in the next academic year (2019-20) called “Rothley Reads”, which will aim to try and increase the amount of children reading at home for pleasure, whether that be reading to an adult, reading independently or an adult reading to them. This will also include a reading commitment from every teacher in school.
Rothley Review:
Over 85% of parents have heard of the Rothley Review (which is a web page produced by Mr Mclugash that recommends books for each year group) and 60% of parents have read this too.
However only 15% of parents have borrowed a book from the foyer; 10% bought a book that has been recommended on the review and 10% borrowed a Rothley Review book from the community library.
With this feedback from you as parents regarding the Rothley Review, we are going to ensure that the Rothley Review is shared with you not only by email, but also through Seesaw and the monthly newsletter.
We are going to ensure that there are more copies of the recommended read books available in the foyer for you to borrow. We are going to communicate with the Rothley Library and ensure that they have a display and copies of the current Rothley review books in stock. If your child has read a Rothley Review book and it is still at home, these can be returned to their class teacher, who will place it back in the foyer.
The Rothley Review will continue to be shared with the children in school too. We will be looking at ways to potentially make this more child-friendly.
How is the school doing in promoting reading for pleasure?
This feedback was extremely useful for us. We are always looking for ways to push and promote reading. The vast majority of the feedback was very positive:
"Since moving Rothley School, my child has been exposed to a far greater choice of books/authors"
"Reading has a much higher profile than it used to"
"Our children loved the roving bookshop"
"She really enjoyed the time when a different teacher came in and read to her"
We are going to use some of the feedback to enhance and refine our promotion of reading throughout the school. Teachers will send out a shortlist of 5 books every half term that children have enjoyed reading in their class. This will begin after the Easter holiday. The children enjoyed the reading session that they had with another teacher in December - this will now be done every term. This will be on the 9th April.
Also, look out for our extreme reading display, which will be on one of the display boards in school in the summer term! You will receive information about this closer to the time.
Thank you again for everyone that took the time to respond to the Rothley Parent's Liaison Forum in February - we value the feedback we receive
Spring 2019
I would like to start by thanking you all for taking the time to complete the second edition of the Rothley Parents' Liaison Forum in February - which had a focus on Reading. We had over 130 responses.
The highlights from this survey were as follows:
Over 91% of children read for pleasure at home and it was fantastic to hear that over 85% of parents read to their child at least 2-3 times a week. With 43% reading everyday with their children.
Over 65% of children read for over 10 minutes at night, with over 25% reading for over 20 minutes a night.
Teachers will again stress how important it is to read at home with the children on a regular basis, but as you can see from the statistics, both the children and you as parents do a lot of reading at home - so thank you. We will be starting a new reading initiative in the next academic year (2019-20) called “Rothley Reads”, which will aim to try and increase the amount of children reading at home for pleasure, whether that be reading to an adult, reading independently or an adult reading to them. This will also include a reading commitment from every teacher in school.
Rothley Review:
Over 85% of parents have heard of the Rothley Review (which is a web page produced by Mr Mclugash that recommends books for each year group) and 60% of parents have read this too.
However only 15% of parents have borrowed a book from the foyer; 10% bought a book that has been recommended on the review and 10% borrowed a Rothley Review book from the community library.
With this feedback from you as parents regarding the Rothley Review, we are going to ensure that the Rothley Review is shared with you not only by email, but also through Seesaw and the monthly newsletter.
We are going to ensure that there are more copies of the recommended read books available in the foyer for you to borrow. We are going to communicate with the Rothley Library and ensure that they have a display and copies of the current Rothley review books in stock. If your child has read a Rothley Review book and it is still at home, these can be returned to their class teacher, who will place it back in the foyer.
The Rothley Review will continue to be shared with the children in school too. We will be looking at ways to potentially make this more child-friendly.
How is the school doing in promoting reading for pleasure?
This feedback was extremely useful for us. We are always looking for ways to push and promote reading. The vast majority of the feedback was very positive:
"Since moving Rothley School, my child has been exposed to a far greater choice of books/authors"
"Reading has a much higher profile than it used to"
"Our children loved the roving bookshop"
"She really enjoyed the time when a different teacher came in and read to her"
We are going to use some of the feedback to enhance and refine our promotion of reading throughout the school. Teachers will send out a shortlist of 5 books every half term that children have enjoyed reading in their class. This will begin after the Easter holiday. The children enjoyed the reading session that they had with another teacher in December - this will now be done every term. This will be on the 9th April.
Also, look out for our extreme reading display, which will be on one of the display boards in school in the summer term! You will receive information about this closer to the time.
Thank you again for everyone that took the time to respond to the Rothley Parent's Liaison Forum in February - we value the feedback we receive
Spring 2019
I would like to start by thanking you all for taking the time to complete the second edition of the Rothley Parents' Liaison Forum in February - which had a focus on Reading. We had over 130 responses.
The highlights from this survey were as follows:
Over 91% of children read for pleasure at home and it was fantastic to hear that over 85% of parents read to their child at least 2-3 times a week. With 43% reading everyday with their children.
Over 65% of children read for over 10 minutes at night, with over 25% reading for over 20 minutes a night.
Teachers will again stress how important it is to read at home with the children on a regular basis, but as you can see from the statistics, both the children and you as parents do a lot of reading at home - so thank you. We will be starting a new reading initiative in the next academic year (2019-20) called “Rothley Reads”, which will aim to try and increase the amount of children reading at home for pleasure, whether that be reading to an adult, reading independently or an adult reading to them. This will also include a reading commitment from every teacher in school.
Rothley Review:
Over 85% of parents have heard of the Rothley Review (which is a web page produced by Mr Mclugash that recommends books for each year group) and 60% of parents have read this too.
However only 15% of parents have borrowed a book from the foyer; 10% bought a book that has been recommended on the review and 10% borrowed a Rothley Review book from the community library.
With this feedback from you as parents regarding the Rothley Review, we are going to ensure that the Rothley Review is shared with you not only by email, but also through Seesaw and the monthly newsletter.
We are going to ensure that there are more copies of the recommended read books available in the foyer for you to borrow. We are going to communicate with the Rothley Library and ensure that they have a display and copies of the current Rothley review books in stock. If your child has read a Rothley Review book and it is still at home, these can be returned to their class teacher, who will place it back in the foyer.
The Rothley Review will continue to be shared with the children in school too. We will be looking at ways to potentially make this more child-friendly.
How is the school doing in promoting reading for pleasure?
This feedback was extremely useful for us. We are always looking for ways to push and promote reading. The vast majority of the feedback was very positive:
"Since moving Rothley School, my child has been exposed to a far greater choice of books/authors"
"Reading has a much higher profile than it used to"
"Our children loved the roving bookshop"
"She really enjoyed the time when a different teacher came in and read to her"
We are going to use some of the feedback to enhance and refine our promotion of reading throughout the school. Teachers will send out a shortlist of 5 books every half term that children have enjoyed reading in their class. This will begin after the Easter holiday. The children enjoyed the reading session that they had with another teacher in December - this will now be done every term. This will be on the 9th April.
Also, look out for our extreme reading display, which will be on one of the display boards in school in the summer term! You will receive information about this closer to the time.
Thank you again for everyone that took the time to respond to the Rothley Parent's Liaison Forum in February - we value the feedback we receive